Education & Congregational Experience
Qualifications Summary
Unitarian Universalist minister ordained into the Unitarian Universalist Ministry by the First Universalist Church, Unitarian Universalist of Auburn, Maine on June 16, 2018. Welcomed into Preliminary Fellowship by the Unitarian Universalist Ministerial Fellowship Committee on September 18, 2017 and Full Fellowship on February 2, 2022. Awarded Master of Divinity degree and a Certificate in Ethics & Justice in May of 2017 from Andover Newton Theological School. Awarded Master's in Social Work in 1989 from Boston University. Attended the Interim Ministry Network training (23 Contact Hours) August 20 - 23, 2018.
Spiritual Leadership and Experience
3/4th Time, Contract Minister, Unitarian Universalist Community Church
Augusta, Maine, 8/1/2023 - 7/31/2024
Provide spiritual support through shared ministry with focus on worship, pastoral care and administrative support. Serve in the community supporting UUCC's justice ministry and presence as time allows. Support grought through engagement with the board and committees.
Pulpit Supply Contract, Midcoast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Damariscotta, Maine, 8/2022 - Current
Offer one service a month, integrating Unitarian Universalist grounding, community focus at the intersection of what is going on in the world. Work with Worship Associates, accompanist and choir in the development of worship.
Hospice Chaplain, Androscoggin Home Health Care and Hospice
Lewiston, Maine, 4/2022 - 6/2023
Provided spiritual support to patients and families receiving hospice care. Offered spiritual grounding to providers and the lens of spirituality at Interdisciplinary Team Meetings.
Settled Minister, Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Portland, Maine, 8/1/2020 - 4/12/2022
Support development of methods of engagement across programs and functioning of the congregational structure. Support development of multi-platform access to worship, meetings, and congregational data base. Supervise staff while working with lay leaders in the reassessment of staffing needs, job descriptions and personnel policies. Create and facilitate worship. Assist in leadership development as it relates to meeting the mission and vision of the congregation. Provide pastoral care and outreach.
Interim Minister, Denton Unitarian Universalist Fellowship,
Denton, TX, 8/2018 - 7/31/2020 (2 year contract)
* Covenanted with the board to assist in shared ministry with a pastoral size church, helped develop infrastructure and grow the congregation, assisting in identification of goals and strategies to move toward goals.
* Designed, scheduled and facilitated worship. Supported increased participation of worship associates in services. Coordinated worship experience with musicians and worship associates. Provided life transition rituals including child dedications, memorials and weddings.
* Provided pastoral care in provision of spiritual groups, individual and family systems. Supported the development of a pastoral care program.
* Develop pathways for lay leadership programming, increasing lay participation in meeting the spiritual, social and justice needs of the congregation.
* Supervised Religious Education programming for all ages with program structure of paid teachers for youth. ,
* Carried out interim ministry tasks (provide avenues to address grief and history, identify strengths and clarify identity, leadership development)
* Supervised 7 staff members, develop structures of supervision and work with the newly developed personnel team around role and policies and procedures.
Intern Minister, First Church and Parish, Dedham, MA 9/2016 - 6/2018
Sabbatical Minister, First Church and Parish, Dedham, MA 2/2018 - 6/2018
* Facilitated leadership retreat for 14 leaders with focus on development of goals, team building and leadership development.
* Assisted in creation of hospitality teams engaging members and friends in small group relationships increasing responsibility for Sunday tasks, leadership and ownership of hospitality.
* Supported the Religious Education program and Director of Religious Education.
* Supported and participated in following the mission of the congregation.
* During sabbatical coverage provided staff supervision and supported office and administrative functioning.
* Pastoral care in formal and informal relationships.
* Created and facilitated adult programming.
Volunteer Facilitator; Beyond Categorical Thinking; Unitarian Universalist Association, 2001 to Present
Educate and engage with search committees and congregations, coordinate and facilitate worship, facilitate or co-facilitate the 3-hour Beyond Categorical Training Workshop, provide feedback to the Transitions Office following the BCT weekend. This program is designed to help congregations deconstruct barriers at it relates to calling ministers who identify as LGBTQ, ministers with disabilities and ministers of color, Latina/Latino?Latinx. My work has been done throughout the Association.
MA Congregational Charitable Society; 2022 to current. Serve on the appropriations committee. Founded in 1786, the Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society provides financial support to families of retired persons who have served as Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ ministers in Massachusetts and Maine.
Volunteer Peer Facilitator; New England Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 2015 to 2018
Facilitated congregational process, facilitate board or leadership retreats.
Nominating Committee Member; Northern New England District of the Unitarian Universalist Association,
2016 - 2018
Volunteer Healthy Congregations Consultant; Northern New England District of the Unitarian Universalist Association, 2012 – 2014
Facilitated leadership/Congregational group process around issues of basic healthy leadership and healthy congregation concepts including systems thinking, adaptive leadership, church size dynamics, power and authority dynamics, healthy boundaries and conflict transformation. Have facilitated exit interview, start up weekend, board retreats.
Testimonials regarding Rev. Donna's Ministry with Detnton UU Fellowship
A gift from the congregation